Stroke and CBD

Can CBD oil help Strokes?

There are two types of a brain stroke, a transient ischemic attack (TIA). A transient ischemic attack stroke, happens when there is an instantaneous interruption of blood and, consequently, oxygen to the brain. A hemorrhagic stroke, is where there is a direct bleed into the brain. Both of which can be life threatening and leave survivors with life-long disabilities.

If there is an excess build-up of cholesterol and plaque in the blood vessels (atherosclerosis), the risk of a TIA stroke increases. This is because an embolus can become dislodged from the wall of the blood vessels and travel to the brain. This will usually trigger an embolic stroke. CBD is shown to decrease levels of bad cholesterol and actually increase levels of good cholesterol. This lowers the risk of another stroke occurring.

When caught and treated quickly, strokes still cause some serious long-term problems. Brain cells begin dying off within five minutes after being deprived of oxygen, meaning in all cases, survivors end up with at least some amount of brain damage. The survival rate for strokes has increased over the years to the point that 70 to 80 percent of people who suffer from stroke survive. However, this does not mean their battle is over. Half of the people who have had a stroke will require assistance performing normal daily activities for the rest of their lives. All will require medication for the rest of their life.

CBD also has powerful ingredients to aid in increasing blood flow. Unfortunately, varying degrees of paralysis is one of the most common outcomes of a stroke and is particularly difficult to overcome in recovery. Most recovery options involve intense and lengthy physical therapy. CBD increases the recovery of motor skills as it increases blood flow to the areas that have been damaged. It effectively works together with traditional therapy to speed recovery in the patient.

Strokes are extremely painful. Usually, the pain and discomfort happen on one side of the patient’s body and often on the opposite side of the body to the area of the brain affected. During a stroke, large parts of the brain are deprived of oxygen. This then causes a wide-scale death of brain cells. Often including cells that allow our body to sense and process pain. When these cells are damaged or killed, there is massive damage. Resulting in what is known as neuropathic pain. This is a particular pain that is characterised by its severity and a feeling of being stabbed or electrocuted. Often similar to RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) and the feeling of extreme cold. Accepted and long-standing treatments for this particular symptom have long included the use of prescription opioid painkillers. Unfortunately, these medications can often result in severe side effects, including but not limited to addiction, intoxicationdepression, and even, though rare, death.

CBD oil is a natural, and effective alternative. This is because it binds to a type of cannabinoid receptor in the brain known as a CB1 receptor. These receptors manage the expression and sensation of pain. Because CBD binds with these receptors, it effectively goes directly to the source of the pain and can allow a stroke patient to live a more pain free life.

Stroke patients and their support networks often must live with mild to severe disability, including physiological, emotional, cognitive and behaviour issues. The road to recovery is steep and often full of major challenges with many setbacks.

2 thoughts on “Can CBD oil help Strokes?”

    1. Thank you for pointing this out Sherry. This is a very valid point and I will put a post together covering this subject in more detail. As it currently stands, NO-ONE taking any BP reducing medication should consider taking CBD oil. However, there are numerous other CBD infused products that can offer pain relief without needing to be ingested. These include skin cream and bath bombs.
      MOST importantly, potential users of ANY CBD product, should ALWAYS discuss it with their doctor first.

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